How to Monetize Your Personal Brand as a Corporate Professional, Side Hustler, or Solopreneur

female content creator holding a camera photographing of a candle on desk

Building and monetizing a personal brand has become an increasingly popular way to create additional income streams and share your expertise with the world. Whether you're a mid-career professional, startup founder, side hustler, or solopreneur, learning how to effectively monetize your personal brand can open up new opportunities and help you achieve your financial goals.


In episode 134, we cover:

  • 05:37 Clarify messaging for target audience

  • 06:39 Tailor messaging to diverse audiences with "special sauce"

  • 19:23 Multiple revenue streams beyond traditional methods

  • 24:36 Personal brand connections that lead to potential monetization

  • 27:55 Monetize your brand, seize opportunity, execute ideas

Understanding Your Personal Brand

Before diving into monetization strategies, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what a personal brand is and how to develop one that stands out. Check out episode 132 <insert title> for a complete deep dive.

Your Personal Billboard

Think of your personal brand as your own billboard, showcasing your expertise, experience, and unique value proposition. Just like a billboard, your personal brand continues to work for you even when you're not actively promoting yourself. (which is what I love about it the most). It's the lasting impression you leave on others and the way people perceive you in your industry.

Crafting Your Unique Message

To create a strong personal brand, you need clear and impactful messaging. Consider what sets you apart from others in your field. This could include:

  • Your specific expertise or niche. This may include what you’re paid to do, but can also include many outside interests, hobbies, or skills you’ve developed outside of your 9-to-5.

  • Your personal background and experiences. I invite my clients to speak openly about their culture, background, and stories.

  • Your unique perspective or approach to problem-solving. This is the fun part. Think creatively. Are you the family member who meticulously plans the best vacations, finds the hidden travel deals, and knows all the nearby restaurants? You can absolutely build a brand around that!

Remember, your unique selling proposition doesn't have to be complicated. Sometimes, it's as simple as if you’re a parent of toddlers, your generation (we see you Gen-Z, Millennials, Gen-X, and Boomers), or your cultural background that brings a fresh perspective to your industry.

Strategies for Monetizing Your Personal Brand

Once you've established a strong personal brand, there are numerous ways to turn it into a source of income. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

1. Consulting Services

Offer your expertise as a consultant, providing tailored advice and solutions to businesses or individuals in your field. This could involve assessing company health, providing strategic guidance, or offering specialized knowledge in areas like healthcare, education, or technology. If you’re a web designer, are there any small businesses in your neighborhood whose website could use a refresh or an update?

2. Coaching

Coaching involves guiding clients to achieve their goals through regular sessions and personalized strategies. Unlike consulting which is considered more “done for you” or “done with you” services, coaching helps you guide your clients to their desired results by incorporating mindset tools and techniques to remove limiting beliefs and unresolved thoughts.

Here are a few ways to think about structuring your coaching practice:

  • One-on-one coaching: Offer intensive, personalized support for clients willing to invest in high-touch services.

  • Group coaching: Create programs that allow you to work with multiple clients simultaneously, often at a lower price point per client.

  • Specialized coaching niches: Focus on areas like executive coaching, life coaching, or business coaching for startups.

Example: A fitness expert might offer both personalized training plans and group accountability coaching sessions for weight loss or management.

3. Online Courses and Digital Products

Create and sell digital assets such as online courses, e-books, or PDF guides. These scalable products allow you to reach a wider audience without the time constraints of one-on-one services.

  • Self-paced courses: Create comprehensive programs that clients can work through on their own schedule.

  • Live online classes: Offer real-time instruction with interactive elements like Q&A sessions.

  • E-books and guides: Develop in-depth resources on specific topics within your area of expertise.

  • Templates and tools: Create practical resources that help clients implement your strategies.

Example: A marketing strategist might offer a course on social media marketing, along with downloadable content calendars and strategy templates.

4. Speaking Engagements

Leverage your expertise to secure paid speaking opportunities at conferences, corporate events, or workshops. Speaking engagements not only provide additional income but also help you build credibility, expand your network, and generate leads. Many of my clients come to me looking to become paid speakers. We work on the business of speaking as well as creating signature talks that command attention and leave a memorable impression.

Paid speaking opportunities can be a lucrative way to share your expertise and build your brand simultaneously.

  • Keynote speeches: Develop signature talks for conferences and large events.

  • Corporate training: Offer workshops or seminars to businesses looking to upskill their employees.

  • Virtual speaking: Expand your reach through webinars and online conferences.

  • Speaker bureaus: Consider joining a bureau to help book high-profile engagements.

Example: A leadership expert might deliver keynotes at industry conferences and offer virtual training sessions for remote teams.

5. Podcasting, Writing, and Content Creation

Monetize your writing skills through various channels:

  • Blogging and newsletters: Use platforms like Substack or Medium to offer paid subscriptions for exclusive content.

  • Freelance writing: Contribute articles to industry publications or popular websites.

  • Books and e-books: Write and self-publish or seek traditional publishing deals.

  • Ghostwriting: Offer your writing skills to other thought leaders or executives. Places like Upwork, Fiverr, and even LinkedIn are places to find clients looking for your services.

Example: A financial advisor might write a weekly paid newsletter with investment tips and also author a book on long-term wealth-building strategies.

6. Brand Partnerships and Sponsorships

As your personal brand grows, explore opportunities for partnerships with relevant companies or sponsorships for your content. Think about the products or services you already use in business and at home, how can these present a natural fit for your customers, clients, or audience?

Here are a few of the ways to incorporate brand partnerships and sponsorships into your side hustle or business:

  • Sponsored content: Create blog posts, videos, or social media content featuring relevant products or services.

  • Brand ambassadorship: Represent companies as an official spokesperson or advocate.

  • Affiliate marketing: Promote products or services and earn a commission on sales.

  • Co-created products: Collaborate with brands to develop products that leverage your expertise and their resources.

Example: A travel blogger might partner with luggage companies for sponsored content and develop a co-branded line of travel accessories.

7. Merchandising

You don’t have to be as popular as Bad Bunny or Beyonce to think about adding branded merchandise (or merch) to your income streams. Before you go wild designing tees, caps, stickers, notebooks, and pens, first think about what would most align with your audience or clients’ wants. What would make their lives easier and be fun to create?

Some popular choices for merch as a corporate professional, side hustler, podcaster, or soloprenuer would be:

  • Apparel: Design t-shirts, hats, or other clothing items with your brand's logos or catchphrases.

  • Books and planners: Create physical products that complement your digital offerings.

  • Branded tools: Develop products that help your audience implement your strategies.

Example: A productivity coach might create a line of planners and desk accessories designed to support their time management methodology.


Keys to Successful Personal Brand Monetization

Monetizing your personal brand as a corporate professional, side hustler, or solopreneur isn’t the same as it would be for content creators. My clients are corporate professionals, side hustlers, and solopreneurs often with limited time and resources. If you find yourself in a similar state, keep these important factors in mind to effectively monetize your personal brand:

Consistency is Crucial

Regularly share valuable content and engage with your audience. Consistency helps build trust and keeps you top-of-mind in your industry. More important than posting daily or even multiple times per day, is developing a cadence you can maintain.

If you’re a side hustler with a podcast and feeling burned out by producing weekly episodes, consider publishing shows twice a month or in seasons. This gives you more time to create and promote your show without feeling the pressure of getting the next one out the door. If you have the financial bandwidth, consider hiring an editor or podcast manager to help.

Align Your Offerings with Your Strengths

Focus on monetization strategies that play to your strengths and feel authentic to you. If you're not comfortable on camera, consider podcasting or writing instead of video content.

If you’re an excellent communicator, consider public speaking. The best thing you can do for yourself and the people you serve is to deliver on the skills, expertise, and talents that you are confident can support their needs.

Provide Genuine Value (and sell)!

Always prioritize delivering value to your audience. Your monetization efforts should stem from a desire to help and educate others, but we are also talking about monetization and that can’t happen if you don’t sell!

Are people aware of the services you offer? Do they know you can help them and most importantly, HOW?

Be Open to Opportunities

As your brand grows, be receptive to unexpected opportunities like book deals or speaking engagements that may come your way.

Balancing Authenticity and Profitability

Strive to maintain your authentic voice and values while pursuing monetization strategies. Your audience will appreciate your genuineness.

Taking the First Steps

Now that you have the blueprint, are you ready to start monetizing your personal brand? Here are some actionable steps to get you started:

  1. Clearly define your area of expertise and unique value proposition.

  2. Choose one monetization strategy that aligns with your strengths and start developing it.

  3. Create a content plan to consistently share your knowledge and build your audience.

  4. Network with others in your industry to uncover potential opportunities.

  5. Invest in working with a coach 👋 , learning new skills or tools that can help you execute your chosen monetization strategy.

Building a profitable and intentional personal brand takes time and effort. But when you establish yourself an authority, step into your expert energy, and stay committed to your goals, unlimited opportunities are waiting for you. Be patient with the process, and remain open to adapting your approach as you learn what works best for you and your audience.

By following these strategies and staying true to your unique voice and expertise, you can create a personal brand that not only showcases your talents but also provides valuable income streams. Whether through consulting, coaching, content creation, or speaking engagements, there are numerous ways to turn your knowledge and experience into a thriving personal brand business.


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